Telangana TSBIE TS Inter 2nd Year English Study Material Revision Test-I Exercise Questions and Answers.
TS Inter 2nd Year English Study Material Revision Test-I
Time : 1 1/2 Hrs
Marks : 50
Section – A
Question 1.
Annotate ANY ONt of the following in about 100 words. [1 × 4 = 4]
a) If someone maintains that two and two are five or that Iceland is on the equator, you feel pity rather than anger.
These beautiful lines are taken from the thought-provoking essay,” How to Avoid Foolish Opinions” written by Bertrand Russell. His clarity of thought and fluency of expression lend beauty to his style.
Context and Meanings:
Russell gives us tips on how to avoid foolish opinions. He says that there are many ways to avoid being dramatic. To avoid foolish opinions, no super human or genius is required. Many matters are less easily brought to the test of experience. If we hear views opposite to our opinions, it makes us angry. It is a sign that we actually have no good reason for our opinion. If someone has very stupid and wrong opinions, we feel pity rather than anger. So, we must carefully reconsider our ideas.
Critical Comment:
Though the article discusses many mistakes mankind is prove to make, it ends with a lively ray of hope.
b) Persecution is used in theology, not in arithmetic because in arithmetic, there is knowledge, but in theology, there is only opinion.
These lines are taken from the thought provoking essay, “How to Avoid Foolish Opinion” written by Bertrand Russell. His clarity of thought and fluency of expression lend beauty to his style.
Context and Meanings:
Russell gives us tips on how to avoid foolish opinion. Here, he teas us about controversies. The worst controversies are about matters which have no good evidence either way. If you can not observe an issue, think about any biases you might have about it. This is because belief can go beyond facts. Persecution means annoying others deliberately all the time, the theology is required belief where as arithmetic is require facts and figures. Hence, persecution is not used in arithmetic but in theology – the study of God and religion.
Critical Comment:
The author says that belief can go beyond facts.
Question 2.
Annotate ANY ONE of the following in about 100 words. [1 × 4 = 4]
a) We are meeting today to wish her bon voyage.
These lines are taken from the satirical and humorous poem “Goodbye party for Miss Pushpa TS” by Nission Ezekid, a.versalite Indo-Anglian poet with a great sense of humour and wit.
Context and Explanation:
It is a farewell speech for miss pushpa, who is leaving the country the poem is a parody of English as used by some indians. The speaker adresses his colleagues as friends and miss pushpa as sister.
Critical Comment:
The lines highlight the speaker’s good nature and good intention. The style is simple and clear.
b) That is showing good spirit. I am always appreciating the good spirit
These lines are extracted from the satirical and humorous peom “Goodbye party for Miss Pushpa TS” written by Nission Ezhekiel, a versatile Indo-Anglion poet with a great sense of humour and wit. The poem is a parody of English as used by some Indians.
Context and Explanation:
It is a farewell speech for Miss pushpa, who is leaving the country. On the occasion, the speaker is praising the helpful nature of Miss. Pushpa. He praises her good nature. Whenever he asked her to do anything, she was saying that she would do it just now only. This reply from her is showing her good spirit and he is always appreciating the good spirit.
Critical Comment:
This shows her good spirit and her readiness to do any work she is a willing worker.
Question 3.
Answer ANY ONE of the following questions in about 100 words [1 × 4 = 4]
a) How can we prevent developing a dogmatic attitude as per Russell’s suggestion?
The thought provoking essay,”How to Avoid Foolish Opinion’s” is written by Bertrand Russell. In this essay, he says that there are many ways to avoid being dogmatic. Making a keen observation where it can settle the bias is the first way. Next to know what other people think.
One has to be aware of what they think. This can be done by going on vacation and talking to people with different ideas. The third is arguing with an imaginary character. The fourth one is to deal with one’s sense of self worth. To overcome conceit, we must remember that we live for a short while on a small planet in vast cosmos.
b) What does Bertrand Russell say about a person getting angry about a difference of opinion?
The thought provoking essay,”How to Avoid Foolish Opinions” is wiitten by Bertrand Russell. In this essay, he gives us tips on how to avoid foolish opinions and being dogmatic. He advices us to identify our weak points and reconsider our opinions. when we hear views opposite to our opinions. It makes us angry. It is a clear sign of something wrong with our beliefs, then we must carefully reconsider our ideas. We have to be aware of what other people think. Thus, we can avoid such problem.
Question 4.
Answer ANY ONE of the following questions in about 100 words [1 × 4 = 4]
a) How does the speaker describe Miss Pushpa in the poem?
The poem “Goodbye Party for Miss Pushpa T.S.” is written by Nission Ezekiel. He is a versatile poet with a great sense of humor and wit. His present poem is a parody of English as used by some Indians. It is a farewell speach for Miss Push pa, who is going abroad. On this occasion, they have gathered there to hid farewell to her. A person comes and gives a speech. the poet creates humour through the speakers description of Miss Pushpa.
The speaker describes not only her internal but external sweetness. He says that she always ‘smiles’ without reason. He describes her good and amicasle nature. He also refers to her helpful qualities. He appreciates her concern for friends. He says that she always says ‘yes’ to any of their request. Thus, he is trying to exaggesate to show his love and respect for her. But, he doesn’t realize that he is describing her humorously and very lovsely. He doesn’t mind that his English is wrong linguestically. Thus, he describes her humorously with his Babu English.
b) Does the poem bring out the sweetness of Miss Pushpa? Justify your answer.
The poem “Goodbye party for Miss Pushpa TS” is written by Nission Ezekiel. He is a versatile poet with a great sense of humour and wit. The poem is an extract from his volume of pems. ‘Hymns in Darkness’. It is an parody of English as used by Some Indians. It is farewell party for Miss. Pushpa, who is going abroad for better prospects. The Speaker announces in the very beginning that they have gathered there to bid farewell to her.
They want to wish her a happy journey. On this occasion, the speaker brings out the sweetness Miss Pushpa. He starts praising her sweetness which is both internal and external. She is beautiful not only because of her charms, but her honesty also. She is a sweet lady with all smile on her face. She smiles without a reason. She belongs to a reputed family. She is very popular among people. She is always ready to do anything for everyone. Thus the poem brings out the sweetness of Miss Pushpa. It appreciates her concern for friends. These are sweet qualities of Miss Pushpa.
Question 5.
Answer ANY ONE of the following questions in about 100 words; [1 × 4 = 4]
a) Describe the character of Arun, the boarding school boy?
Ruskin Bond is a well-known contemporary Indian writer of British descent. He wrote many books inspirational children’s books and was honoured with the Sahitya Akademi Award for his literary work. The present short story represent from “The women on plat form No. 8” the main idea of is a story about love and affection that overcomes all sense of belonging barriers.
Arun was a boarding school student. He was returning to school. His parents thought he was old enough to travel alone. So he took a bus from his hometown to Ambala, arriving early in the evening. The train he needed to catch left at 12 a.m. He was waiting for the northbound train on platform 8 at Ambala station. It had been a long time for him. He walked up and down the platform, browsing the book stall and feeding Street dogs biscuits. He stood there watching the trains come and go. Whenever a train arrived, the platform became a center for activity, and it would be quiet after the train had left. He sat down on his suitcase, tired of pacing around the platform, and stare at the railway tracks.
A soft voice asked from behind if he was alone. Arun saw a middle aged woman in white sari, with dark kind eyes leaning over him. There was some kind of dignity about her which made Arun stand up respectfully and answer. He told her that he was alone and that he was going to school. She asked him if his parents had not come to see him off. Arun said that he did not live there and he could travel alone. The lady agreed with him. Arun liked her for her simplicity, her deep soft voice and the serenity of her face.
b) What made Arun call the strange woman ‘mother’ at the end?
Ruskin Bond is a well-known contemporary English Indian writer. He wrote a number of inspirational children’s books and was awarded the Sahitya Akademi Award for his literary work. The following is a short story from “The Women on Plat Form No. 8.” This short story’s core concept is about love and affection overcoming all obstacles to belonging.
Arun called the stranger woman ‘mother’ at the end, because she had treated him tenderly and offered him tea and sweets. She listened to him and showed trust in him. He liked her kindness and graceful behaviour. She introduced herself as his mother. She supported Arun against satish’s mother, Arun wanted to repay her kindness by acknowledging her as mother.
Section – B
Question 6.
Read the following passage and answer ANY SIX questions given below: [6 × 1 = 6]
I was going to refuse out of shyness and suspicion, but she took me by the hand. Then I felt it would be silly to pull my hand away. She told a porter to look after my suitcase and then she led me down the platform. Her hand was gentle. She held my hand neither too firmly nor too lightly. I looked up at her again. She was not young, but she was not old.
i) Name the short story from which this passage is taken.
The Woman on Platform No. 8
ii) What was Arun going to do?
To Refuse out of shyness and suspicion
iii) How did she hold his hand?
neighter to firmly nor too lightly
iv) How did Arun feel of taking back his hand away?
He felt silly
v) What did she tell a porter?
To look after Arun’s suitcase
vi) Pick out the word from the passage which means tender.
vii) ‘She held my hand neither too firmly nor too lightly.’ Say true or false.
viii) Rewrite the sentence “She was not young, but she was not old.” using “neither. nor……”.
She was neither young nor old.
Question 7.
Read the following passage and answer ANY SIX questions given below: [6 × 1 = 6]
The Warrior Who Broke All Barriers The very word COVID spreads dread worldwide. But, Dr Annam Srinivasa Rao of Khammam stands out as an exception. Putting his life at risk, he served a large number of COVID patients in various ways. His organization served food and extended medical facilities to them while alive. When died, the Foundation arranged for transportation and last rites of hundreds of bodies when their own families abandoned the bodies!
When he was tested positive, he was worried, not of his health, but of the people who needed his service! By looking after hundreds of disabled (both physically and mentally) orphans from far and near for over a decade, his organization – Annam Seva Foundation, Danvaigudem, Khammam – has redefined philanthropy. He was inspired into this service when he himself grew up in an orphanage. His struggles to secure some employment helped him master the art of taking everything in his stride. Thus, he continues his services undeterred by police cases, neighbours’ wrath, financial constraints etc. An admirable spirit indeed!
i) What makes one describe Dr Annam Srinivasa Rao as the warrior who broke all barriers?
Has he put his life at risk and served COVID patients also
ii) How does the world respond to the word COVID, according to the passage?
Reads the word COVID
iii) Why was Dr Annam Srinivasa Rao worried when he tested positive?
Of the people who needed his service and missed it
iv) Name the organization that he founded and its location.
Annam Seva Foundation: Danavayagudem, Khammam
v) Why did Dr Annam Srinivasa Rao choose this path?
Has he him self growup in a orphanage
vi) Pick out from the passage the one-word substitute that means selfless service out of love for humanity.
vii) Find out from the passage the phrasal verb that means taking full care and responsibility of.
Looking after
viii) Write the idiom used in the passage that means accepting and dealing with difficulties without letting them worry one too much
Taking something in one’s stried
Question 8.
Study the pie-chart below and answer any Six questions given after it. [6 × 1 = 6]
i) What does the pie chart show?
favourite beverages of people
ii) How many beverages are taken into account?
iii) What is the most preferred beverage?
Coconut Water (38%)
iv) How many people preferred coffee?
v) What is the least preferred beverage?
Sugarcane Juice
vi) People who preferred tea are _____________.
vii) People who preferred cola are __________.
viii) People who preferred Coconut water are 27%. Write true or false.
Section – C
Question 9.
Rewrite’th6 following passage using SIX of the punctuation marks wherever necessary. [6 × 1 = 6]
It is more difficult to deal with the self-esteem of man as a man because we cannot argue out the matter with some non-human mind, the only way I know of dealing with this general human conceit is to remind ourselves that man is a brief episode in the life of a small planet in a little comer of the universe and that for aught we know other parts of the cosmos may contain beings as superior to ourselves as we are to jellyfish.
It is more difficult to deal with the self-esteem of man as a man because we cannot argue out the matter with some non- human mind. The only way I know of dealing with this general human conceit is to remind ourselves that man is a brief episode in the life of a small planet in a little corner of the universe and that, for aught we know, other parts of the cosmos may contain beings as superior to ourselves as we are to jellyfish.
Question 10.
Match the following words in Column ‘A’ with their definitions in Column ‘B’. [6 × 1 = 6]
Column A —- Column B
i) ambidextrous ( ) a) one who eats excessively
ii) contemporary ( ) b) something which is out of date
iii) glutton ( ) c) a person walking on a street
iv) invincible ( ) d) able to use both hands equally well
v) obsolete ( ) e) living or occurring at the same time
vi) pedestrian ( ) f) too strong to be defeated
i) d
ii) e
iii) a
iv) f
v) b
vi) c