TS 6th Class Science 5th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana – Materials and Things

TS Board Telangana SCERT Class 6 Science Solutions 5th Lesson Materials and Things Textbook Questions and Answers.

Materials and Things – TS 6th Class Science 5th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana

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Question 1.
Name any five objects which are made up of only one material. (Conceptual Understanding) 2M
Five objects which are made up of plastic.

  1. Chairs,
  2. Boxes,
  3. Table,
  4. Bottles,
  5. Dolls.

Question 2.
Name any five objects which are made up of more than two materials. (Conceptual Understanding) 2 M
Five objects which are made up of more than two materials.

  1. Bicycle,
  2. Bullock cart,
  3. Doors,
  4. Wall clock,
  5. Shuttle bat.

TS 6th Class Science 5th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana - Materials and Things

Question 3.
List five things which we can make using each of the following materials: a) Glass b) Metal c) Plastic d) Wood. (Conceptual Understanding) 4 M
Five things which we can make using each of the following material.
(A) Glass Mirror, car window, TV screen, photo frame, dining bowls, plates etc.
(B) Metal Wheels, chairs, cup board, vessels, machines etc.
(C) Plastic Jars, covers (carry bags), chairs, bottles, plates etc.
(D) Wood Tables, chairs, doors, windows, cots, frames etc.

Question 4.
Mary saw a ship travelling on a sea. She knows that iron nail sinks in water. She has many doubts, what are her doubts ? Write them. (Asking Questions and Making Hypothesis) 4 M
Mary raises the following questions (doubts) for floating of ship in the sea.

  1. Flow does a ship float on the surface of sea ?
  2. What principle helps the ship to sail on the sea easily ?
  3. Do all material have a chance of floating on the sea water ?
  4. Are there any properties which help the ship floating ?
  5. Can I travel on the surface of sea as ship sails ?

Question 5.
Mary, while examining whether a boiled egg sinks or floats, found that it floats but Vakula made it sink, how is it possible? Guess and write it. (Asking questions and Making hypothesis) 4 M

  1. At first Mary used salt water for testing the sinking or floating character of the boiled egg Naturally boiled egg floats on the surface of salt water. Therefore the egg floats on salt water.
  2. But Vakula made the egg sink in by using normal water. She observed that the boiled egg simply sinks In the normal water.

Question 6.
Drop an egg in a beaker of water. Now drop the same egg in another beaker of water in which excessive salt is added. Write your observation. (Experimentation and Field Investigation) 4 M
Procedure of the experiment : The egg is dropped in a beaker of water. After sometime, the same egg is dropped in another beaker of water in which excessive salt is added.

Observation : When the egg is placed in the beaker full of water, the egg sinks normally. On the other hand if the same egg is placed in another beaker of salt water, it floats.

Inference : The salt water and normal water exhibit their character to sinking or floating of an egg.

TS 6th Class Science 5th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana - Materials and Things

Question 7.
Do the following activities. Write down your observations. What do you conclude ? (Experimentation and Field Investigation) 8 M
a) Mix chalk powder in water.
b) Place a piece of candle in water.
c) Add some oil drops to a beaker of water.
Aim : To observe the nature of substances like chalk powder, candle piece and oil drops in water.

Requirements: Three glass beakers full of water, chalk powder, candle piece and oil drops.

Procedure: Three glass beakers are kept on the table. They are filled with water. Certain amount of chalk powder, candle piece and a few drops of oil are taken into the three beakers 1, 2, 3 respectively.

Observation : It is observed that the chalk powder is dissolved in the first beaker, candle piece is not dissolved in the second beaker. It is observed that the oil drops float on the surface of water.

Conclusion : Water has the capacity of dissolving certain substances like chalk powder. Substances like candle in solid state are insoluble in the water. Oil floats on the water surface.

Question 8.
Make a list of items from your kitchen like utensils, food ingredients etc. Classify them as follows.

ItemSink/float in waterSoluble / insoluble in water

Utensils : Glass, saucer, small water vessel, spoon.
Ingredients : Sugar, salt, dal, jeera. Based on the sinking or floating of utensils and solubility of ingredients in water the items are classified as follows.

ItemSink/float in water
GlassSlowly sinking
SaucerFloats on water
Water vesselFloats on water


ItemSoluble / insoluble in water

TS 6th Class Science 5th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana - Materials and Things

Question 9.
Collect different plastic items from your surroundings. Classify them as transparent, opaque and translucent.

Item nameTransparent / Opaque / Translucent
Polythene coverTransparent item
Carry bagTranslucent item
BoxOpaque item

Question 10.
Draw different objects made up of wood which we use in our daily life. (Communication through Drawing and Model Making) 8M
TS 6th Class Science 5th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana - Materials and Things 3

Question 11.
Make a few models you like using clay. (Communication through Drawing and Model Making) 8M
Models made of clay.
TS 6th Class Science 5th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana - Materials and Things 2

Question 12.
We know that a ship, even though it is made up of tonnes of iron, floats on water. How do you feel about the scientists, who found the scientific principles and efforts in making a ship ? (Aesthetic Sence, Values and Application to Daily Life and Concern to Bio-diversity) 4M

  1. Invention of ship is a great milestone in the human development.
  2. Iron is a heavy metal which sinks in water. But making a ship made with wood and tonnes of iron floats on water is really an appreciable thing.
  3. We have to appreciate the scientists and their efforts in applying scientific principles for the benefit of mankind.

TS 6th Class Science 5th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana - Materials and Things

Question 13.
We use so many wooden items in our daily life. Is it good to use wood? What happens by excessive use of it? What is the reason? Is there any
alternative for this ? (Aesthetic Sence, Values and Application to Daily Life and Concern to Bio-diversity) 4M
Uses of wood :

  1. Indeed the things made of wood are en vironmentally eco – friendly products.
  2. Wooden items do not cause harm to the environment.
  3. To make the items with wood, we should depend on forests and domestic plants.

Demerits of cutting trees :

  1. Cutting trees for wooden items severely affects the decrease in forests and all the plantations is called deforestation.
  2. Deforestation leads to imbalance in nature and there will be a decrease in rainfall.
  3. Oxygen in the atmosphere decreases.
  4. Deforestation causes top most soil erosion. Thus in turn it results in losing of soil fertility. Due to soil erosion we lose food grain harvestation.

Alternative steps to avoid cutting trees for wooden items :

  1. One way is to grow the wood giving plants in the waste land areas with the help of our society.
  2. The wooden furniture, once we purchase them from the shop, should be used them without damage.
  3. We should not cut down non-wood giving trees along with wood giving plants unnecessarily.
  4. We have to find a solution to convert any waste and already used material into wooden like furniture.

TS 6th Class Science 5th Lesson Notes – Materials and Things

  • In our daily life we use several objects for different acHuif les. These objects are made of different materials.
  • Some objects are made of more than one material.
  • Objects around us are made of large variety of materials :
  • Based on their properties, we use different materials for dfferenf purposes.
  • Material has three important states called solids, liquids and gases.
  • Some materials can sink in water and some materials can float on water.
  • Materials are grouped together on the basis of similarities and differences in their properties.
  • Certain materials change their state from solid to liquid, liquid togas on being heated and from gas to liquid, liquid to solid on being cooled.
  • Material : Materials are the things that you need for a particular activity.
  • Object : An object is anything that has a fixed shape that you can touch or see and that is not alive.
  • Metal : It is a hard substance. Eg : Iron, steel, copper etc.
  • Transparent : We can easily see through some materials. Such materials are said to be transparent. Eg: glass, air, water etc.
  • Opaque : We cannot see through some materials. Such materials are said to be opaque. Eg: wood, steel, card board etc.
  • Traslucent : We can see the objects, but not very clearly are said to be translucent. Eg : oily paper etc.
  • Solid : A solid is a substance that stays in the same shape, whether it is in a container or not. Eg: wood, rock etc.
  • Liquid : A liquid is a substance which flows and can be poured and it. takes the shape of the container. Eg: water, kerosene.
  • Gas : A gas is a substance that is neither liquid nor solid. Eg: air, smoke etc.
  • Soluble : The materials which dissolve in a liquid are said to be soluble in water. Eg : Sugar in water.
  • Insoluble : The materials which do not dissolve in a liquid are said to be insoluble in water. Eg: Kerosene in water.
  • Sink : The material which possess more weight can sink in water. Eg: iron nail, stone etc.
  • Float : The material which possess less weight can float on the water; Eg: dry leaf, sponge etc.

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