TS 6th Class Science 4th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana – What Do Animals Eat?

TS Board Telangana SCERT Class 6 Science Solutions 4th Lesson What Do Animals Eat? Textbook Questions and Answers.

What Do Animals Eat? – TS 6th Class Science 4th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana

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Question 1.
Name some animals in your house which have the same kind of food habit. (Conceptual Understanding) 2 M
Goat, sheep, buffalo and cow consume same kind of food, that is grass. Cat and dog depend on meat, milk, curd etc.

Question 2.
Observe your surroundings or go to a nearby field and write about the following : (Information Skills and Projects/C. U.) 4M
a) How does the cow eat grass ?
b) What tools are used while doing so ?
c) In what way can you justify it is a herbivore ?
Aim of the project: To observe the way of eating or consuming of grass by cow while grazing.
(a) Eating of grass (Grazing): The cow naturally grazes in the grass land. Before grazing, sometimes it smells the food (grass). It grazes only green leafy plants (grass) only. It ruminates

(b) The tools used while grazing : Cow doesn’t possess upper teeth. Instead, the upper jaw has muscular, strong gums. It plucks the grass by holding with upper muscular gums and lower teeth. The tongue also helps in churning the food.

(c) Since the cow consumes and only depends on green grass, it is called herbivore. It ruminates while in resting stage.

TS 6th Class Science 4th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana - What Do Animals Eat?

Question 3.
Compare the legs and nails of a dog and hen and say why they are different. (Conceptual Understanding) 4 M
Differentiate the claws between dog and hen.

1) It has sharp, curved nails on the small digits.1) It possesses sharp, slightly elongated nails than dog.
2) The legs are muscular and strongly jointed.2) The legs are thin and shorter than dog’s legs.
3) It uses its legs to separate the flesh from bones.3) It uses legs to scratch the ground and eat worms.
4) The nails are also used for tearing the flesh.4) Nails are useful for scratching the soil to pick up worms.

Question 4.
Go to a near by pond where cranes are usually seen. Observe how they catch fish ? Write about the process of catching fish. (Take care of yourself when you are near water places.) (Information Skills and Project) 8 M
Aim of the project : To find out the way of food collection and consumption by crane in the water places.

Selection of the place :The selected site is a pond with less depth of water. This enables the cranes to pick up the food (fish) easily.

Procedure that is followed : I went to the pond awaiting the cranes. A couple of cranes came to the pond. Naturally, the crane has long beak to catch the fish. First it flew down to the pond. It started walking and searching for fish with the help of its long beak. When crane found the fish, it held the fish very quickly with its beak. Then it engulfed the fish.

Question 5.
Name some animals which use tongue as a tool for taking in food. (Asking Questions and Making Hypothesis) / Conceptual Understanding) 2 M
Wall lizard, garden lizard, chameleon, goat, sheep, cow, dog, frog etc.

TS 6th Class Science 4th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana - What Do Animals Eat?

Question 6.
The butterfly uses to suck honey from flowers. (Conceptual Understanding) 2M
The butterfly uses its long hollow tongue to suck honey from flowers.

Question 7.
Do the following and record your observations. Collect one or two earth worms and put them in a bottle containing wet soil. Close it with a lid which has holes. Observe how earthworms get their food. (Experimentation and Field Investigation)
Aim : To observ the eating activity of earth worms in the wet soil.

Necessary material: Wet soil, two earthworms, glass bottle (or) thick transparent plastic box.

Procedure for observation : A couple of earthworms are collected and placed in the glass bottle containing wet soil. It is observed that the earthworms felt comfortable to stay in. Then they started swallowing soil in little quantities. While they are swallowing food their food pipe started expanding slightly.

Inference: With all the observations it is concluded that earthworms feed on moist soil that contains minerals and nutrients.

Question 8.
Which animals in the forest depend on only plants or on only animals for food? (Conceptual Understanding) 4 M

Animals that depend on plants for foodAnimals that depend on animals for food
Buffalo, cow, goat, sheep deer, ox, etc.Lion, tiger, fox, wolf, hyna, vulture, eagle, hawk etc.

Question 9.
Fill up the following table. (Information Skills and Projects) 4M

Body part used to collect foodExamples
Beakhen, parrot
Tonguelizard, frog
Teethcat, dog
Suckerbutterfly, earth worm
Strong legs with clawstiger, dog, lion

TS 6th Class Science 4th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana - What Do Animals Eat?

Question 10.
Why do most carnivores live in forests ? Give reasons. (Conceptual Understanding) 2M

  1. Most of the carnivores live in forests. Because the prey of carnivores is extensively available only in forests than in domestic areas.
  2. The forest is more suitable for capturing the prey.
  3. The animals which eat herbivorous organisms are carnivores.
  4. If carnivores live outside the forest, human beings kill them as they are afraid of carnivores which may kill their animals or even kill them. Eg: Tiger, lion etc.

Question 11.
Make your own food chain and display it in your class room. (Communication through Drawing and Model Making) 4M
TS 6th Class Science 4th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana - What Do Animals Eat 1

Question 12.
Prepare a scrap book of animals and separate them into carnivores, omnivores and herbivores. (Information Skills and Project) 2M
The photos of the following animals are very easy to collect from the available resources. I collected the photos of the following and classified them as follows.

Herbivores : Goat, sheep, buffalo, cow,
Carnivores : Lion, tiger, wolf, cat etc.
Omnivores : Wild bear, man, monkey.
TS 6th Class Science 4th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana - What Do Animals Eat 2

Question 13.
Identify which of the following statements are wrong and give reasons. (Asking Questions and Making Hypothesis) 4 M
(a) That which lives in water cannot eat animals.
(b) Elephants and deer are the herbivores living in the forest.
(c) Birds’ beaks are designed to suit their food habits.
(d) Sharp claws are useful for hunting.
(e) Most of the food chains end with herbivorous animals.
(I) Statements b and c are true to their nature.
(b) The natural living area for elephants and deer are forests.
(c) Different birds feed on different food materials. So, birds’ beaks are designed to suit their food habits.

II) Statements a, d and e are wrong. Reasons :
(a) Certain water animals feed on smaller animals.
Eg: Frog feeds on crustaceAnswer: A blue whale in the sea eats tiny animals called krill.

(d) Sharp claws of some animals meant for tearing the flesh of prey after hunting.
Eg: Lion
In some animals claws help in holding the grip for running while hunting the prey.

(e) Food chains naturally end with decomposers or degraders (microbes).

TS 6th Class Science 4th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana - What Do Animals Eat?

Question 14.
If you want to understand more about food chain what questions would you like to ask ? (Asking Questions and Making Hypothesis) 4M
I would like to clarify my doubts by asking the following questions about food chain.

  1. How do we compare animal food chain with human food chain ?
  2. What can we understand from food chain ?
  3. How do we analyse pond food chain ?
  4. What is a food chain ?

Question 15.
Write a play with dialogues between a parrot and a lion about their food habits and organs to get food. Act it with your friends. Send it to school/district children’s magazine. (Aesthetic Sence, Values and Application to Daily Life and Concern to Bio-diversity) 8M
Role – play (Dialogues between a parrot and a lion)

Parrot : Good morning, respected king of forest!

Lion : Good morning, how are you ?

Parrot : Fine, thank you king.

Lion : Where are you going beautiful green bird ?

Parrot : I am going to collect food somewhere.

Lion : Oh! You are going to search for food. What food do you like most ?

Parrot : I like fruits such as guava, mango etc. But you people feed on animal’s flesh.

Lion : Yes, we are the carnivores, we like to feed on other animals like deer, goat, sheep etc.

Parrot : Oh! It is your habit to eat other herbivorous animals.

Lion : Yes. I am also going to hunt for food.

Parrot : I will go by my way, you can move by your way. Bye, all the best.

Lion : Bye, all the best. Have a nice day.

Question 16.
Identify the given animal. (Communication through Drawing and Model Making) 4 M
1. What does it eat ?
2. Which part of the body helps it in eating ?
TS 6th Class Science 4th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana - What Do Animals Eat 3

  1. The given animal is called pangolin.
  2. It feeds on ants. Thus it is called spiny ant eater. Pangolin’s tongue is long and has stretching capacity. When it finds ants it expands tongue to capture the prey.

TS 6th Class Science 4th Lesson Notes – What Do Animals Eat?

  • There are a wide variety of animals in the living world and they take a wide variety of food items.
  • Different types of animals that live in our surroundings have their own food habits (way of taking food and type of food taken)
  • Sucking, licking, pecking, chewing, peeling, swallowing are all the ways by which animals take their food in.
  • Beaks of birds differ from one another depending upon the type of food they eat.
  • Most of the wild animals that eat other animals have sharp teeth.
  • Animals are divided into 3 types on the basis of their food. They are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.
  • Food chain is in connected between animals on the basis of their food habits.
  • Food chain explains the interdependence of diverse organisms in nature.
  • Some animals rely more on one sense than the other and it can be highly developed.
  • Food Habit : Way of taking food and type of food taken is called food habit. Different types of animals that live in our surroundings have their own food habits
  • Food Chain : Food chain is the connection between animals on the basis of their food habits.
  • Sucking : Sucking is a way of taking food by animal.
  • Picking : Picking is another type of way of food habit.
  • Chewing : Churning food is called chewing. :
  • Habitat : The surroundings which meet the needs of a particular organism in the best manner is called habitat.
  • Carnivore : The organism which depends on herbivore for food.
  • Herbivore : The organisms which feeds on plants.
  • Omnivore : The animal which feeds both on carnivores and herbivores.
  • Nocturnal : The organism which is active during night.
  • Rumination : Bringing back food from stomach to mouth for chewing is called rumination.

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