Living and Non Living – TS 6th Class Science 6th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana
Question 1.
List out common characteristics of living things. (Conceptual Understanding) 2 M
Living things possess characteristics like growth, breathing, excretion, movement, response to stimulus and giving birth to young ones.
Question 2.
Why do cockroaches come out of their places when lights are put out? (Conceptual Understanding) 2 M
- Cockroaches show response to stimulus of darkness.
- Cockroaches are nocturnals.
- Naturally, cockroaches search for their food even in dark places with their antenna-like structures.
Question 3.
Which characteristics are same in both living and non-living things? (Conceptual Understanding) 2 M
- All living and non – living things have mass and occupy space.
- Both living and non – living things are made up of matter.
- Molecules are the structural units of non – living things and the structural unit of a living thing is the cell.
Question 4.
Which of the following are derived from living things : sugar, coconut oil, pen, rice, fan, omelet, bus, wooden chair, garland, mango, clothes, fruit juice. (Conceptual Understanding) 2 M
The following things are derived from living things.
Sugar, coconut oil, rice, omlet, wooden chair, garland, mango, fruit juice.
Question 5.
How can you say that a tree is living even though it doesn’t move? (Conceptual Understanding) 2 M
- Yes, tree can live even though it doesn’t move.
- It is an autotroph. It means the tree can prepare food by its own biological activities.
- The process of photosynthesis helps the tree to prepare food.
- It performs all the functions as animals do, in their daily life except locomotion.
- Tree can respond to the stimulus as animals do.
Question 6.
What is the use of microscope? (Conceptual Understanding) 2 M
- Microscope magnifies the object to see clearly.
- It is easy to dissect the smaller organisms and find the inner parts.
- Microscope helps us to study the history of so many micro – organisms which cause diseases.
- Every smaller organism can be seen clearly to know the history of origin of living things.
Question 7.
Thread like structures developed in bread are …………………
Fungus (Bread mold)
Question 8.
Which of the following is not a response to stimulus :
a) Feeling cold by touching ice.
b) Feeling the weight of carrying a bag of books.
c) Scratching the skin at the place of ant bite.
d) Closing eyes immediately after seeing bright light.
(Conceptual Understanding) 2 M
Feeling the weight of carrying a bag of books.
Question 9.
Collect sweet potato, bottle, salt, and water. Take a bottle full of water and add salt, then put sweet potato inside the bottle. Observe for a few days. What happens? Note your observations. How can you prove that sweet potato is also a living thing? (Information skills and projects) 2 M
Observation : Sweet potato bulges due to absorption of salt water.
1. It means it possesses metabolic activities as living organisms.
2. This proves sweet potato is also a living thing.
Question 10.
Venkatesh argues with his friend Tanveer about “seed is living thing”. Think. What questions does Tanveer ask?
(Asking questions and making hypothesis) 2 M
Tanveer asked the following questions on arguments of Venkatesh about “see d is living thing”.
- How can you prove that seeds are living things ?
- Where did you find seeds showing living-thing activities?
- If seeds are living things, do they respond to the stimulus?
Question 11.
What will happen if there is no stomata in leaves? Write your predictions. (Asking questions and making hypothesis) 4 M
If there is no stomata in leaves, the following things would happen.
- Lack of stomata stops consumption of carbondioxide by leaves. As a result, photosynthesis stops.
- Food stocks decrease in the plant. Finally the plant dies.
- Absence of stomata in the leaves affects decrease in percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere, which is to be released by plants.
- As a result, all the animals suffer a lot due to lack of oxygen. Finally, the animals die.
- So, to regulate carbondioxide and oxygen, stomata are essential in the leaves.
- Transpiration is another important property that is done through stomata to eliminate excess of water from plants.
Question 12.
Write down the steps of the experiment that you did in the lab to observe micro-organisms in pond water. (Experimentation and field investigation) 4 M
1. Procedure: Pond water is collected from the village pond. A drop of that water is poured on the glass slide. Now, the glass slide is kept under the microscope. The lens of the microscope is adjusted.
2. Observation: While observing the water drop under microscope, the following creatures are seen.
Amoeba, paramoecium, euglena, small insects, mosquito larvae etc., are some of the organisms we identified.
Question 13.
How do you feel when you touch Touch me not plant’. Write your feelings. (Appreciation and Aesthetic sense/values) 2 M
- When I touched a “touch me not” plant, the leaves get folded all of a sudden.
- Touching them with my hand is stimulus and folding of leaves is response.
- It is a wonder that how leaves behaved in such a rare manner.
- I think they tried to protect themselves from the adverse conditions.
- I concluded that not only animals, but also plants respond amazingly to the nature’s stimulus.
Question 14.
Prepare Venn diagram to represent living and non – living characters of dog and tree. (Communication through drawing and model making) 8 M
Common characters:
Question 15.
Do you think both living and non-living things are necessary for our environment. Why? (Asking questions and making hypothesis) 4 M
- Living and non-living things are necessary for our environment.
- Because, all the living things should depend on non-living things like air, water and soil for various life activities.
- For example, animals take oxygen from air for breathing. Likewise, plants consume carbondioxide from air. Air is a component of non-living things.
- When living things lose their life, they become non-living things.
- Dead material decomposes to form non-living things.
- We should take care of protecting the nature by utilising the non-living things in a judiciary way.
Question 16.
Collect information from your school library / internet about Sir J.C. Bose who invented “response to stimulus in plants.” (Information Skills and Projects) 4 M
- Jagadeesh Chandra Bose, an eminent scientist from India, contributed valuable information to the world of living things.
- He conducted several experiments on plants and discovered that plants have life. He also said that they exhibit feelings.
- He discovered an instrument “CRESCOGRAPH” to find out the growth of plants.
TS 6th Class Science 16th Lesson Notes – Living and Non Living
- There are some movements in plants for example, closing and opening of flowers.
- By using carbon dioxide green colour substance in the leaves and sunlight, plants prepare their own food. This is called “photosynthesis”.
- When living things lose their life they become dead.
- Dead material decomposes to form non living things.
- Living things possess characteristics like growth, breathing air, excretion, movement, response to stimulate and giving birth to young ones.
- Among living things, plants and trees can’t move like animals.
- Seed is also a living thing but it doesn‘t have all characteristics of the living world.
- Living things : The things that possess the characteristics like growth, breathing, excretion, movement etc are called living things. Eg: Animals, birds, plants etc.
- Non – living things : The things that do not possess the characteristics like growth, breathing, excretion, movement etc are called non-living things. Eg: Rock, chair, table etc.
- Growth : The process of increasing physical size or development in a person, animal or plant is called growth.
- Breathing : The process of taking of air into the lungs and letting it out is called breathing. This is also a characteristic of living beings.
- Excretion : The process of getting rid of wastes is called excretion.
- Stimulus : Action that influences in or on the organisms.
- Movement : Living beings going from one place to another is called movement.
- Micro – organisms : A micro – organism is a very small living thing which we can only see through microscope.
Eg: Bacteria, virus etc. - Microscope : It is an instrument with the help of which we are able to see minute things that we can not see with our naked eyes. It works like mangifying lens but it is much more powerful.