TS 6th Class Science 14th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana – Movements in Animals

TS Board TS 6th Class Science Study Material Pdf 14th Lesson Movements in Animals Textbook Questions and Answers.

Movements in Animals- TS 6th Class Science 14th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana

Question 1.
Imagine a situation where you have no bone in your body. Describe with reasons, what would happen ? (Asking questions and making hypothesis) 2 M

  1. Skeleton is the typical system of our body.
  2. The bone is a part of skeletal system.
  3. If we have no bone in our body, we cannot possess specific shape.
  4. Movement of the head, trunk, legs and hands becomes impossible.
  5. Life becomes static and no activity is found.

TS 6th Class Science 14th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana - Movements in Animals

Question 2.
Try and identify the joints in the body of a goat or a cow. Make a list of these joints. (Information Skills and projects) 2 M

Body partType of joint
1) Neck regionPivot joint
2) ElbowHinge joint
3) ShoulderBall and socket joint

Question 3.
What difficulties would you face if your fingers had only a single bone? (Application to daily life and concern to biodiversity) 2 M
The following typical problems will be seen due to single bone fingers in our hands.

  1. We cannot write and move the object with single-boned fingers.
  2. It will be highly difficult to eat food with hand.
  3. Fingers fail to catch or hold any object.
  4. Playing games will be difficult.

Question 4.
What is a ball and socket joint? How it is different from hinge joint? (Conceptual Understanding) 2 M
A joint made by fitting a ball into a socket is called a ball and socket joint. Difference between a ball and socket joint and hinge joint.

  1. In a ball and socket joint, a bone can rotate easily in all directions.
  2. In hinge joint, it is not possible to rotate the bone in all directions.

Question 5.
Fill in the blanks and give reasons. (Conceptual Understanding) 2 M

  1. Joints of the bone help in the ……………… (movement of various parts of the body)
  2. The contraction of the ……………… pulls the bones during movement, (muscles)
  3. The bones at the elbow are joined by a ……………… joint. (hinge)

TS 6th Class Science 14th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana - Movements in Animals

Question 6.
Guess who I am? (Asking questions and making hypothesis) 4 M
i) lama joint that works like joint of doors and window.
ii) I help to join two bones.
iii) Joint between upper jaw and skull.
iv) I am a chain of small – small bones.
v) I join bone and muscle.
i) Hinge joint
ii) Ligament
iii) Fixed joint
iv) Back bone
v) Tendons

Question 7.
Collect X-Ray films and identify which body parts they represent. Write a note on them. (Information Skills and Projects) 4 M
I collected an X-ray film of chest part of a man. I observed the following parts in the X-ray film.
TS 6th Class Science 14th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana – Lesson Movements in Animals 1
a) Rib bones (chest bones) are seen in the film. Rib bones are like a cage.
b) There is a pair of lungs present beneath the rib cage bones.
c) Rib cage bones are arranged like a cage all around the chest and back part of the body.

Question 8.
Prepare a questionaire to take interview of a yoga teacher or PET sir about asanas and exercises. (Asking questions and making hypothesis) 4 M Questionnaire:

  1. What is the importance of yoga or asanas?
  2. Who invented this body and mind exercise?
  3. How can we get benefit from yoga?
  4. When shall we do this yoga or asanas?
  5. What would be the results of yoga/asanas?
  6. What are the food items we have to take while we follow yoga /asanas?
  7. Can we be free from diseases by following yoga/asanas regularly?
  8. Which place is more suitable for yoga /asanas?

TS 6th Class Science 14th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana - Movements in Animals

Question 9.
Crawling snake, jumping frog, flying bird – are they amazing to you? Why do you think so? (Appreciation and Aesthetic sense and values) 4 M

  1. We can’t crawl like a snake. Our body is not designed as such. Snake can invade into burrows easily.
  2. Frog jumps with its web feet. Its back legs are highly muscular and body is also modified for jumping and swimming.
  3. Birds can fly in the air with wings. Their bones are hollow and light.

Question 10.
List out the activities that you performed at your home before coming to school. Which joints are involved in each activity ? 8 M
(Experimentation and field investigation /Information Skills and projects.)
The activities that I performed at my home before coming to school are given below. Some of my joints involved in each and every activity.

Activity/workPart of the body involvedJoint of the body part in the work
1) Running (Exercise)Legs and handsHinge joint, ball and socket joint
2) BrushingRight handBall and socket joint, hinge joint
3) BreakfastHandHinge joint, ball and socket joint, saddle joint
4) Dressing up and wearing shoesNeck, back bone, hands, legsAll the joints in my body
5) Doing home workFingers, handSaddle joint, hinge joint
6) Packing the bagHands, head, body, legsEvery joint involved, especially pivot joint
7) Walking to schoolLegs, hands, headAll joints involved

Question 11.
“Which joints are involved in plucking flowers, making garlands, ” Ravi’s mother asked? What is his answer?
Hinge joint, ball and socket joint, saddle joint (Application to daily life and concern to biodiversity) 2 M

  1. When we pluck flowers, our saddle joint (at thumb), planar joint (at wrist), hinge joint (at knee) and ball and socket joints activate.
  2. Simultaneously, when we make a garland all the above mentioned joints help us.

TS 6th Class Science 14th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana - Movements in Animals

Question 12.
What is this instrument? How do you use this? (Application to daily life and concern to biodiversity) 2 M
TS 6th Class Science 14th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana – Lesson Movements in Animals 2

  1. The given instrument is a metallic dumble.
  2. It is widely used in gym for strengthening of hand muscles and joints.
  3. It will be held in our hand parallel in position, the arm will be moved up and down with the help of hinge joint.

TS 6th Class Science 14th Lesson Notes – Movements in Animals

  • We feel the movement of muscle here as well.
  • Fluttering your eyelashes, chewing, breathing in and out, ifting a weight, moving your toes.
  • Different bones of different body parts combine together to form a single structure called skeleton.
    Muscles work in pairs.
  • Our backbone works like a spring.
  • The joint between upper jaw and sku ¡lis fixed joint.
  • Bones : Hard structure which keeps our body in a perfect shape.
  • Muscles : The tender fleshy structures beneath the skin are called muscles.
  • Ligament : The fibres which join the two bones together.
  • Tendon : The fibrous structures join muscles to bones.
  • Clavicle : The raised bone at shoulder blade is called clavicle.
  • Pelvic girdle : Bones on both sides of our body.
  • Hinge joint : The joints at elbow of hand and knee of the leg.
  • Locomotion : Movement of the organism.
  • Cartilage : The flexible bone of the organism.
  • Ball and socket joint : A joint made by fitting a ball into a socket.

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