TS 10th Class English Guide Unit 8A Jamaican Fragment

Telangana SCERT TS 10th Class English Guide Pdf Unit 8A Jamaican Fragmenta Textbook Questions and Answers.

TS 10th Class English Guide Unit 8A Jamaican Fragment

Human Rights:

Read the following statement and answer the questions that follow:

TS 10th Class English Guide Unit 8A Jamaican Fragment 1

Question 1.
What does this statement speak about ?
The statement speaks about human rights of equality.

Question 2.
Do you agree with the statement ?
Yes, I do agree with the statement.

Question 3.
Have you ever witnessed any incidents in contrast of the above statement? Tell your class.
I haven’t seen any such incidents. But I have heard that some people are still not allowed to enjoy the rights of equality. Some upper class sections do still deny some human rights to those of lower strata.

TS Board 10th Class English Guide Unit 8A Jamaican Fragment

Oral Discourse:

Debate – “Children should not have equal dignity and rights as adults.”
I think the children shouldn’t all the rights like that of an adult.

1) Moral (right/wrong)

  • children cant discern from right and wrong
  • there minds cant comprehend.
  • only know because parents say so.
  • so if a parents tell them that killing people is right then it is right in their minds
  • children are essentially sociopaths when born.

2) Maturity (sense of judgment (examples))
ok this is sort of related to morals but in a sense different, this point focuses more on the examples linking to the previous point.

3) Abusive (of power when given)
like what would happen if given the right to vote and drink

4) Misconception (people think children are saints; don’t judge a book by its cover?)
people assume that children are innocent but they lie too.

5) Peer pressure and protection

  • easily fall into peer pressure
  • protection: law protects them, if they don’t then it more likely they will fall into bad influence.

TS Board 10th Class English Guide Unit 8A Jamaican Fragment


I. Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
‘I puzzled within myself.’ says the narrator. What conclusion did he come to after this puzzling thought?
The narrator wondered if the little dark boy was the son of a servant in the home as he was obeying the white boy’s bidding. As both the boys dressed alike, the narrator concluded that the black boy was not the son of a servant in the white boy’s home. He thought that the black boy was of equal class with his playmate and his neighbour’s child.

Question 2.
‘For a whole day my faith in my people was shaken.’ What do you think was the writer’s faith? Why was it shaken?
The narrator’s faith was that his people in their own country like all the other people in other countries live in self-respect and sovereignty where they could enjoy liberty, equality and fraternity, without being discriminated because of their colour and creed. The narrator’s belief was that in his country Jamaica, all people live in harmony without being discriminated.

But his faith in his people was shaken when he saw a little white boy enforcing his will upon a little black boy who, realizing his inferiority very early in his life, abjectly surrendered to the white boy and was at the white boy’s beck and call.

Question 3.
Why did the game next morning astonish the author ? What did he see ?
The game next morning astonished the author because the black boy was the master and the white boy was the servant. The boys changed their roles. He saw that the black boy was striding imperiously up and down and the little white boy walked abjectly behind him taking orders from his black master.

Quarrelling 4.
The second day, the narrator smiled as he remembered something. What made him laugh ?
On the second day, he realised that the boys were playing a game. He remembered that he too had played the game, when he was a boy, and had enjoyed a lot. This made him laugh.

Question 5.
Read the following sentences from the first paragraph:
…. I noticed two little boys playing in the garden…
The game, if it could be called a game, was not elaborate.
From these two sentences, we can understand that the writer knows it is a game, but then why was he puzzled?
The narrator was aware that it was a game, and he too played enjoyed the same game in his childhood. Though the narrator knew it was game, he was very excited as he had seen the little black boy’s obeying the white boy’s bidding. He couldn’t bear the idea of a black child’s submission to a white one. It made the narrator puzzle over the matter.

TS Board 10th Class English Guide Unit 8A Jamaican Fragment

Question 6.
If the writer had seen the second day’s game on the first day, what would he have thought about it ?
If the writer had seen the second day’s game on the first day, he would have understood that it was only a game and wouldn’t have excited over it. He wouldn’t have thought that it was a social problem.

Question 7.
Why did the white man feel surprised at the narrator’s outburst ? Eventually, he also smiled. Why ?
The narrator, without any formal introduction went to the white man and tried to explain that the boys were playing only a game. Actually, the narrator misunderstood that the white man too was worried and excited to see the white boy obeying the black boy’s orders. At first the white man felt surprised at the narrator’s outburst but later he also smiled to see the narrator’s imputation of deep motives to children’s actions. More over the boys were his sons.

Question 8.
Did the white man believe in white supremacy ? How do you know ?
No, the white man did not believe in white supremacy. I know it from the fact that his wife was a black lady.

Question 9.
How did the narrator come to the conclusion that grown – ups are silly ?
On the first day, when the narrator found the two boys playing a game, he misunderstood that the white boy was imposing his will upon the black boy and the black boy was obeying the white boy’s orders. On the second day also, the narrator found the two boys again playing but with changed roles. Then the narrator understood that it was only a game. At that time, he saw a white man watching their game and misunderstood that the white man too was puzzling like him. In this context, the narrator came to the conclusion that grown-ups are silly.

Question 10.
How did the story begin? How did the writer take the story forward?
What is the point of conflict? How did the story end?
What are the characters you empathize with?

  1. The story began with the discription of a pleasant morning and a scene he had seen one day.
  2. The writer took the story forward through a scene he had seen one morning and the thought that arose in his mind.
  3. The point of conflict is racial discrimination, which unfortunately was misunderstood by the writer.
  4. The story ends with a detailed classification and assuming that the writer was wrong with his thoughts.
  5. I empathize with the writer himself, who has misunderstood the situation. I also empathize with the father of the boys who is broadminded.

TS Board 10th Class English Guide Unit 8A Jamaican Fragment

B. Read the following sentences. Some of them are in accordance with the story. Tick (✓) these sentences, (textual Question has been changed)

Question 1.
The narrator was worried that even a very young white boy commanded the older black boy which indicated racial domination.

Question 2.
The black boy played the role of servant on both the days and followed his brother’s commands meekly.

Question 3.
The white boy who was younger of the two played the role of the master and the older boy who was a black played the role of the servant on the first day.

Question 4.
The narrator observed two boys playing a game one day when he was going for an evening walk.

Question 5.
The little white boy commanded the black boy to perform a few tasks which the black boy did obediently.

TS Board 10th Class English Guide Unit 8A Jamaican Fragment


I. Tick (✓) the correct meaning of the words underlined below.

Question 1.
The game, if it could be called a game was not elaborate.
a) simple
b) detailed
c) brief
d) mysterious
b) detailed

Question 2.
The little boy strode imperiously up and down.
a) politely
b) respectfully
c) humbly
d) proudly
d) proudly

Question 3.
This man, I said to myself, will puzzle all day on whether the blacks will eventually rise and rule the world.
a) gradually
b) finally
c) immediately
d) temporarily
b) finally

Question 4.
Could it be that the little dark boy was the son of a servant in the home and therefore had to do the white boy’s bidding?
a) advice
b) instruction
c) order
d) suggestion
c) order

Question 5.
The white youngster walked abjectly behind him.
a) submissively
b) unhappily
c) miserably
d) secretly
a) submissively

TS Board 10th Class English Guide Unit 8A Jamaican Fragment

II. The following words/phrases describe the two boys in the story Jamaican Fragment.

TS 10th Class English Guide Unit 8A Jamaican Fragment 2

1) Now look for the other words in the lesson that describe the two boys. Write your words in the appropriate column.

TS 10th Class English Guide Unit 8A Jamaican Fragment 3


The White BoyThe Black Boy
light brown haircoarse hair
hazel eyescoal black eyes
white youngsterdark youngster
little white boylittle black boy
white babydark boy
little fellowlittle servant
little white youngsterlittle dark youngster
sturdy youngsterlittle dark boy
little brown boy
strong little Jamaican
dark master
little Jamaican


Question 2.
Think of some other words that may be used to describe the characters of the white boy and the black boy.

Words used to describe the white boyWords used to describe the black boy

TS Board 10th Class English Guide Unit 8A Jamaican Fragment

III. Read the following sentence.
The bigger of the two was a sturdy youngster, very dark, with a mat of coarse hair on his head and coal black eyes.

In the above sentence, the narrator described the hair and eyes of the boy in an effective way. The expression “a man of coarse hair” is a metaphor.

A metaphor is a word/phrase used in an imaginative way to describe something or somebody in order to show that the two things have the same qualities and make the descriptions more effective.

Now the hair of the boy can also be described as the hair of the boy is like a mat.
A simile is a figure of speech that expresses the resemblance of one thing to another of a different category usually introduced by like, as.. as.

A simile, like a metaphor, is also a comparison. The primary difference is that a simile contains the words like, as, as as to compare two things while a metaphor simply suggests different (dissimilar) things as the same (similar).

Read the following paragraph and identify the similes and metaphors in it.

Sunitha was an exceptional student. She was good at sports and other co-curricular activities too. One day the teachers were talking about her. The maths teacher said fondly, “My Sunitha is the Shakuntala of our school.” The science teacher said, “She is as clever as Kalpana Chawla and as hard working as Marie Curie.

One day she will bring the Nobel prize to our country.” The physical education teacher started singing the praises of Sunitha saying, “You know, she runs like a hare and swims like a fish. And in the boxing ring? she is a leopard. I must say she is the Mary Korn of our state.”

Unlike other teachers, the social studies teacher hated this girl as Sunitha belonged to the so-called ‘lower caste’. She said, “Sunitha… a hare, a fish and what is that? a leopard. She is more an animal than a girl, I suppose.” All other teachers said in unison, “Yes, she is an animal for animals that cannot understand the metaphor in language.”
1. My Sunitha is the Shakuntala of our school, (metaphor)
2. She is as clever as Kalpana Chawla. (Simile)
3. [She is] as hard working as Marie Curie, (simile)
4. She runs like a hare, (simile)
5. [She] swims like a fish, (simile)
6. She is a leopard, (metaphor)
7. She is the Mary Korn of our state, (metaphor)
8. She is an animal for animals, (metaphor).

TS Board 10th Class English Guide Unit 8A Jamaican Fragment

Some useful information about ‘Simile’ and ‘Metaphor’.

Simile :
A ‘simile’ is a figure of speech that makes a comparison, showing similarities between two different things. Unlike a ‘metaphor’, a ‘simile’ draws resemblance with the help of the words ‘like’ or ‘as’. Therefore, it is a direct comparison.
Eg: Yogesh is as slow as a snail.
(Snails are notorious for their slow pace and here the slowness of Yogesh is compared to that of a snail.)

Some other examples :
1. The soldiers are as brave as lions. (very brave)
2. Sobha’s cheeks are red like a rose. (very red)
3. Chalapathi is as cunning as a fox. (very cunning)
4. Narasimham is as funny as a monkey. (very funny)
5. Chaitanya is as angry as a bull at a red flag. (very angry)

Commonly used similes and their meanings :
1. as cool as a cucumber : to be calm and relaxed, especially in a difficult situation.
2. as bold as brass : very brave and confident.
3. as smooth as glass : very smooth.
4. as soft as velvet : very soft
5. as fiery as a volcano : easily becoming angry
6. as black as coal : very black
7. as clear as crystal : very easy to understand / see.
8. as slippery as an eel : very slippery.
9. as rough as sandpaper : very rough
10. as crooked as a witch’s hat : very dishonest.

TS Board 10th Class English Guide Unit 8A Jamaican Fragment

Metaphor :
A metaphor is a figure of speech that uses an image, a story or a tangible example to express a quality or qualities possessed by a person or thing, or to represent a less tangible thing.
Eg: The school is a prison for him.

It obviously doesn’t mean that the school is literally a prison, for that is ludicrous. It is immediately comprehensible, however, that the school shares certain characteristics with prison. It is probable that the person referred to as ‘him’ feels locked up in school, as prisoners feel in prison.

Metaphors used in every day English :
(a) Life is a journey.
(This implies that in life there are always going to be ups and downs challenges, moments of success, moments of failures etc… just like a journey).

(b) He was boiling mad.
(He was very, very angry)

(c) You have given me something to chew on.
(You have given me something to think about)

(d) The assignment was a breeze.
(Assignment was very easy)

(e) Thoughts are a storm, unexpected.
(In the same way in which storms are unpredictable, so are thoughts).

Some other examples:

  1. He was a lion in the battle.
  2. Life is not a bed of roses.
  3. All the world is a stage.
  4. It’s going to be clear skies from now on.
  5. Her voice is music to his ears.
  6. She is a peacock.
  7. He is a shining star.
  8. Ramya is a chicken.
  9. The sun is a golden ball.
  10. Mr. Prabhu is a walking dictionary.

TS Board 10th Class English Guide Unit 8A Jamaican Fragment


Question 1.
Discuss in groups and write an essay on the ‘Violation of child rights in Indian Society’ based on your experiences / reading.
The following points may help you.

  • What are the child rights ?
  • How are they violated ?
  • Reasons for violation
  • Measures to be taken to prevent child rights violation
  • Conclusion

Remember the following points.

  • Collect ideas on the given theme.
  • Sequence the ideas.
  • Maintain coherence and cohesion.
  • Use appropriate linkers.
  • Give your point of view.

What are child rights?
A right is an agreement or contract established between the person who hold a right and the persons or institutions which then have obligations and responsibilities in relation to the realization of that right. Child rights are specialized human rights that apply to all human beings below the age of 18.

According to the UNCRC, child rights are minimum entitlements and freedoms that should be afforded to all persons below the age of 18 regardless of race, colour, gender, language, religion, opinions, origins, wealths, birth status or ability and therefore apply to all people everywhere.

Following are few rights :
(a) The right to education.
(b) The right to expression.
(c) The right to information.
(d) The right to nutrition.
(e) The right to health and care.
(f) The right to protection from abuse
(g) The right against exploitation.
(h) The right to protection from negligence.
(i) The right to development.
(j) The right to recreation.
(k) The right to name and nationality.
(l) The right to survival.

TS Board 10th Class English Guide Unit 8A Jamaican Fragment

How are child rights violated ?
There are a number of ways in which the rights of children may be violated by inappropriate exposure and media stereotyping. Many children are made to work. They are facing gender discrimination. Many of the children don’t have nutritious food. Many children are separated from their parents by way of trafficking. They are sexually abused.

The girl children along with boys are sexually harassed. Physical abuse of children is generally seen. Within the family, children are forcibly engaged in domestic servitude and used as first choice to assist parents on the field by the small farm families. Outside the family, they are engaged as indented servitude in workshops, hotels, small industries, footpath vending, fire-works, carpet weaving etc.

Reasons for Violation:
There is not any single fact which causes child abuse.
The main reasons for violation are :
(a) poverty
(b) lack of education.
(c) violence between family members.
(d) lack of the support from the extended family.
(e) loneliness and social isolation.
(f) unemployment.
(g) inadequate housing.
(h) superstitions.
(i) gender discrimination
(j) depression
(k) lack of knowledge
(l) mental or physical ill health.

Measures to be taken to prevent child rights violation :
(a) Praise and encourage the children.
(b) Remove poverty.
(c) Increase the rate of literacy.
(d) Learn more about child abuse and child abuse prevention.
(e) Child marriages should be banned.
(f) Give priority to the best interest of the child when making decisions in relation to children.
(g) Provide children with a standard of living adequate for their physical, mental, spiritual and social development.
(h) Combat the illicit transfer of children, sale or traffic of children.
(i) Provide special care for children separated from their families, taking the child’s cultural background into account.
(j) Take steps to promote the physical and psychological recovery and social reintegration of child victims of armed conflicts and abuse.

The government should strengthen the relevant legislative framework. Adequate financial and other resources should be allocated to the promotion and protection of the rights and well¬being of children. Parents and voluntary organizations should try hard to prevent the cases of violation occurred in their homes as well as in their surroundings.

TS Board 10th Class English Guide Unit 8A Jamaican Fragment

Study skills:

Study the following information given in the table and do the task given below it

Overview of the Forms/Sites of Untouchability Practices in Rural India, by Degree of Prevalence in a Study done in 4000 Villages.

More than 50% of villages45 – 50% of villages
Denied entry into non – Dalit housesDenied cremation and burial grounds
Prohibitions against food sharingDenied access to water facilities
Denied entry into places of worshipBan on marriage processions
Ill – treatment of women by other womenNot allowed to sell milk to cooperatives
Denied barber services
Denied laundary services
Ill – treatment of women by non SC men


30 – 40% of villages25 – 30% of villages
Schools – separate eatingSeparate seating in Panchayats
Payment of wages; no contractSeparate seating in schools
Denied entry in to village shopsNot employed in house building
Denied work as agricultural labourDenied entry into police stations
Cannot Sell things in local marketsDenied entry into PDS shops
Denied visits by health workersForced to stand before upper- caste men
Separate seating in hotels
Separate utensils in hotels
Discriminatory treatment in police stations


20 – 25 % of villages15 – 20% of villages
Paid lower wage rates for same workCannot wear new/bright clothes
Ban on festival processions on roadsDenied access to public roads/passage
Segregated seating in schoolsDenied entry in to Primary Health Centres
Denied entry into private health clinicsDiscriminatory relationship by non – SC teachers towards to SC students
Separate drinking water in the schoolsDiscriminatory relationship by non – SC teachers towards SC teachers


10 – 15% of villagesLess than 10% of villages
Denied entry in to Panchayat officesDenied access/entry to public transport
Schools: SC teacher and non – SC studentCannot use cycles on public roads
Separate lines at polling boothDenied entry/seating in cinema halls
Discriminatory treatment in Primary Health CentresCompulsion to seek blessing in marriage

Source: Ghanshyam Shah, Harsh Mander, Sukhadeo Thoras, Satish Deshpande and Amita Baviskar, Untouchability in Rural India. A survey conducted in 565 Villages of 11 states, Sage Publications, 2006.

TS Board 10th Class English Guide Unit 8A Jamaican Fragment

Now using the information given above, analyse the following forms of untouchability in Rural India. Then prepare a brief report stating how Dalits are discriminated against.
1. List the places where Dalits are denied entry.
2. Where are Dalits separated from other castes ?
3. What are the prohibitions and bans imposed on Dalits ?
From the data on Untouchability in Rural India a survey has been conducted in 565 villages, 11 states by Sage Publications, it is evident that Dalits do suffer in free India. In about more than 50% of the villages which are brought under the survey, Dalits are not allowed into non-Dalit houses.

They are not allowed into temples, and they are ill treated by others. In about 40-50% of the villages, they are denied both creamation and burrial grounds. They are not allowed in public places, marriage processions etc and are denied access to water and services like barber, laundry. In about 30-40% of villages, they have separate place to sit at schools, hotels etc, and have separate plates as well.

They are denied to work as labourers, and have no labour contracts. They are even illtreated even by government officials like health workers and policeman. In about 25-30% of villages, they have separate seating at Schools and Panchayats. They are denied their entries at police stations, PDS shops etc. In addition to these, in another 20-25% of villages, they are banned during festivals and denied entry at private health centres.

It is strange to find that they are not allowed to wear new/bright dress at about 15-20% of villages. In about another 5% of villages they even have a separate queue during elections. It is observed that many of the public facilities, public places etc are denied for them. Even if they are allowed, they have separate places. Women are highly illtreated in the society.

TS Board 10th Class English Guide Unit 8A Jamaican Fragment


Listen to your teacher telling you a story of a girl called Maya and say whether the following statements are True or False.

My name is Maya. I was born 14 years ago in a poor peasant family. There were already many children, so when I was born no one was happy.
When I was still very little, I learned to help my mother and elder sisters with the domestic chores. I swept floors, washed clothes, and carried water and fire-wood. Some of my friends played outside, but I could not join them.

I was very happy when I was allowed to go to school. I made new friends there. I learned to read and write. But when I reached the fourth grade, my parents stopped my education. My father said there was no money to pay the fees. Also, I was needed at home to help my mother and the others.

If I were a boy, my parents would have let me complete school. My elder brother finished school and now works in an office in the capital. Two of my younger brothers go to school. May be they, too, will finish.

I know I shall have to spend long hours working either at home or in the field. And then I’ll be married. I have seen my mother working from early dawn to late at night. My life will not be much different.
If I were given the choice of being born again, I would prefer to be a boy.

Question 1.
When Maya was born, all were happy.

Question 2.
When Maya grew, she began to help her mother.

Question 3.
Maya could not join her friends as she had a lot of work.

Question 4.
Maya completed her graduation.

Question 5.
If Maya were a boy, her parents would let her complete school education.

Question 6.
Maya thinks that her life will be much different from her mother.

TS Board 10th Class English Guide Unit 8A Jamaican Fragment

Oral Activity:

Imagine that on the occasion of ‘Children’s Day’ your school is organizing a speech competition on the topic ‘Education of girls for women’s empowerment’.

Draft a speech and deliver it in the class.
The following points may help you in preparing the speech.

  • Importance of girl’s education
  • gender bias and other problems in girls’ education
  • How to end bias towards girls

Remember the following points while delivering the speech :

  • Maintain appropriate posture
  • Modulate your voice using stress, pause and information.
  • Use appropriate gestures and facial expressions.
  • Maintain eye-contact with the audience.

Good morning everybody. I wish you all a happy Children’s Day.

As it is well known, we celebrate this day to celebrate the birthday of Chacha Nehru. And I would like to tell you about the importance of women empowerment. The thing that is required for that is education for girl child. It is said that educating a girl /woman is equal to educating a house for they play such a vital role in the household. At present the girl children of the nation are not so seriously considering the aspect of education.

Nor are the parents or the society thinking. Instead they consider it as a burden or unwanted expenditure. This bias need to be brought to an end. They too should be provided with the right of equal opportunity for education, as is in the case of boys. If needed the government should bring some new schemes and incentives, so that the girl children do come to school. It is to be well remembered that where a woman is respected, there prosperity thinks twice to enter.

Thank you one and all.

TS Board 10th Class English Guide Unit 8A Jamaican Fragment

Jamaican Fragment Summary in English

A.L. Hendricks, a Jamaican, is explaining a strange incident that had happened in his life. On his way to office everyday, he had to walk half a mile to get the tramcar. One day, on his usual way to his office, he saw two boys in front of a house. Both of them were dressed the same but one was black and other was white. He felt that they were playing, but wonders whether it could be called a game.

Because the white boy was the master and the black was obeying his orders, as if he was the slave. Hendricks was shocked and felt much pain for the thought that right from the youngest age the children were taught practically about the discrimination on the colour of the skin. All the day, he couldn’t concentrate on anything as what he had seen in the morning had such an effect on him.

On the next day when he came through the same way, he saw the boys, again, playing the same game. But he was surprised to see that the boys had changed their roles. Now the black boy was the master and the white boy was the slave. It was then he realised that the boys were playing a game. Even he recalled from his memories, how he used to enjoy the game, when he was a child.

He then saw a white man looking at the boys. He felt that the white man would be surprised to see the game and would be in the same confusion, as he was, the previous day. So, he went to the man and tried to say him that the boys were playing a game and they did really enjoy the game as they did not have any such kind of ill thoughts of discrimination in their mind, as that of the adults.

The white man was a bit surprised at what the author said. Then he said, with a smile, that he knew the game of the boys very well, as the boys were brothers, his sons. To the surprised author, he showed the black lady who had come there to call the boys and told him that she was his wife and the mother of the boys.

About the Author:
Arthur Lemiere Hendriks (1922-1992) was a Jamaican poet, writer, and broadcasting director (known as Micky Hendriks in his broadcasting career). He was born in 1922 in Kingston, Jamaica, to a Jamaican father and a French mother. He was particularly well known for his contributions to the Christian Science Monitor, The Daily Gleaner, and BIM. He also contributed as a columnist and literary critic to the Daily Gleaner. He died in 1992 at the age of 69.

TS Board 10th Class English Guide Unit 8A Jamaican Fragment


pleasant (adj) = happy, enjoyable ;
be flanked by (v) = to have something on one or both sides ;
modest (adj) = without egoism ;
sturdy (adj) = strong and healthy ;
hazel (adj) = reddish / greenish brown ;
elaborate (adj) = expand, explain ;
imperiously (adv) = haughtily ;
shuffled (v) = walked by dragging (one’s feet) slowly along ;
lawn (n) = a strech of open grass covered land in front of the house;
impose (v) = to make someone obey something ;
bidding (n) = ordering ;
at one’s beck and call (idiom) = be ready to do what someone asks;
divine (v) = find out something by guessing ;
imperiously (adv) = haugtily ;
obviously (adv) = without any doubt ;
indefinable (adj) = not able to be described ;
infancy (n) = childhood ;
stride (v) = to walk with long steps ;
astonishment (n) = surprise ;
abjectly (adv) = completely without pride ;
impute (v) = claim that someone has done something unjustly ;
puzzle (v) = confuse ;
coarse (adj) = rough
tramcar (n) = street car
submit (v) = to accept someone’s authority.
sense (v) = become aware
deficiency (n) = a fault
astonishment (n) = very great surprise
eventually (adv) = finally
outburst (n) = a sudden strong emotion

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